By Design – a flourishing tree

Vader, vriend en rechter
15 maart 2022
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12 januari 2023

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Artikelnummer: 9789492314185 Categorie:

Story of a special apostolic center

Psalm 1

He will be standing firm like a flourishing tree planted by God’s design (TPT)

Apostolic Centers

There is much talk about new apostolic centers. Blueprints are needed to design well-functioning centers. The outward-looking church requires apostolic leadership that not only gives new direction to the church but also releases new initiatives and ministries. These are necessary to have an impact for God’s Kingdom in society.

Valuable story for everyone

This book By Design is a story about how a center came to be in Amsterdam. It tells how God leads through prayer, through prophetic words, and through special circumstances. Many valuable lessons can be learned from this genesis. A DNA has emerged that guides new apostolic centers. In By Design, this DNA is clearly expressed and an organizational structure is also outlined that makes healthy functioning possible.

Founders and Initiators

Dick and Arleen Westerhof are the founders of God’s Embassy Amsterdam. From this congregation, ministries such as Living in Your Destiny, Coalition for Apostolic Reformation, Dominion Facilities and many more have arisen. Together with many others, a dynamic center has been built that has local, national and international influence in several areas of society.

Dick Westerhof

graduated from Delft University of Technology. He has been an independent entrepreneur in IT for 20 years and heads the apostolic center By Design. He has a passion to see the message of the Kingdom of God take root and grow in the Netherlands and Europe.