Notes Global Courtroom Session Against the Corona Virus

Arleen Westerhof – March 20th, 2020

On Friday March 20th, 2020 a Courts of Heaven prayer session took place to petition God, the Father, for a judgement against the Corona virus. The session was planned in response to a suggestion that I had made to Rob-ert Henderson on Tuesday March 17th that if ever there was a time to en-ter the Courts of Heaven for a global session, it’s now.

The Global Prayer and Empowerment Center continental leaders for Eu-rope, North America, Africa and Oceana (Australia and New Zealand) in addition to the GPEC US regional directors for the Pacific Northwest and the Northeast were present on the call. Dick and I are the GPEC apostolic leaders for Europe. The day before I spoke to Robert, we had done a GPEC call, arranged by the GPEC Europe Operational Directors Marie-Therese and Meindert Van, with 35 participants to enter the Courts of Heaven for the European continent.

The primary revelation that I had before going into this session was that an important legal ground that the devil was using to push the Corona virus out into Europe, and the world, was globalisation and China’s role in it. My prophetic word that went out on the Elijah List on Friday night, March 20th, describes the revelation that God gave me as well as some conclusions for the world economic system and what God was doing though this shak-ing.

The revelation that I had was:

  • globalisation is not from God to the degree that it’s now being practiced and looks likely to be practiced.
  • superstates in which nations relinquish their national identities are not God’s will. I believe that a Confederal Europe” is more in line with God’s heart.
  • the snake (satan himself) is behind the release of this Corona virus.
  • that Wuhan Province, where the virus began, was the place where Chi-na was dedicated to the snake god millennia ago.
  • that the virus, even though it comes from bats, got into the food chain by the bats biting snakes that the Chinese people often eat raw. I also shared that Cindy Jacobs had prophesied over the Economic Summit and what we were doing, that God would use it to create a new econom-ic system according to His word and that when the economies of the na-tions were collapsing, God would slide His new system under the foun-dations of the nations. It’s interesting, and I believe significant, that our new National Center for Economics and Mutuality (a secular name for Jubilee Economics (Lev. 25)), was opened on March 9th. We were the last ceremony with a large group to be held at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam before they suspended classes and events due to the Coro-na virus. It seems like the time is now for God’s economy to emerge.

Robert Henderson shared a dream that he had and that Steve Schultz had put out on the Elijah List on March 10th. Robert was convinced that the Co-rona virus was first and foremost an attack on the world’s economies, and especially that of the USA.

Lynn Alderton (she and her husband are the new North American GPEC Directors) mentioned that Rebecca Greenwood had shared 1 Kings 8:33-40 during one of the SPAN Network meetings. In this passage Solomon asks the Lord to hear the prayers prayed from the temple and to be merci-ful to His people so that they can be forgiven and healed.

7 causes of pestilence in the Scriptures
During the session we dealt with 7 things from the Scriptures that can serve as open doors to pestilence:

  1. Nations have been hostile towards God. Ps. 2
  2. The nations rejected the Lord. Num. 14:11-12
  3. Rejecting God’s voice. Debt. 28:15
  4. Preoccupation with numbers. This was linked to the seeker-sensitive churches emphasis on filling the seats and compromising the message of the gospel.
  5. The prayerless Church. We as the Church haven’t taken our place in prayer. Isa. 14:10-12
  6. False prophecy related to a wrong/compromised message from the Church. Isa. 14:13-26
  7. Defilement of the House of God. Eph. 5:11-12

Important point
God is not in heaven angry. The enemy has said, “I have a legal right.” It’s our job as believers who know their authority in Christ. We petition the Court of Heaven by the blood of Jesus.

Some of the additional things that were prayed during the session were:

  • that the veil over the nations would be ripped, torn off and removed so that the nations would see and turn to God
  • Jude 20-23/Isa. 59:16
  • we silence those in the Church who would say that this is a judgement
  • that God would reset the economies and tear down the economic moun-tain of Mammon
  • we align ourselves with the word of God’s prophet, Chuck Pierce, that this plague would end at Passover
  • just like bronze is a weak metal and the snake was made from bronze, so the enemy is weakened. Micah 2:13/Isaiah 45
  • we annul every judgemental word that’s being spoken out by some in the Church. We declare that the ten spies with a negative report will not de-termine the destiny of the nations, but that which is written in the books in heaven about those nations, will determine their destinies. We silence wrong words and we release right words over the nations.

Hopeful picture
At the end of the prayer session, as we were waiting on the Lord for His response to what we had prayed, one of the prophets in the group saw a blank scroll with a pen that one, or several of us could take and write in it. This scroll represented the destiny of our nations and the message was that we, as the ecclesia of God need to be willing to take our responsibility to pray and act, and by so doing, to determine the destiny of nations.
