Arleen: In January 2020 I released a prophetic word that said that 2020 would begin the decade of the nations. It would also be a decade in which intense culture wars would decide their fate.
Back then, none of us foresaw the disruptive effects that the response to COVID-19 is having on our lives and on our countries. 2020 is indeed turning out to be the year in which we battle in the Spirit for our nations.
For those who have not known spiritual warfare before, it is time to learn. And for those who have experience, it is time to grow to the next level in our skills: ‘Now these are the nations which the LORD left, that He might test Israel by them, that is, all who had not known any of the wars in Canaan. This was only so the generations of the children of Israel might be taught to know war, at least those who had not formerly know it.’ (Judges 3:1-2).
We invite you to join us for this key online meeting, over two days, with Arleen Westerhof and Rebecca Greenwood! During this time we will be meeting interactively. Arleen and Rebecca will talk about what’s going on in the spiritual dimension, what are the new strategies and keys that God is releasing for being effective in spiritual warfare, and how you can find your place in this. Part of each of the two sessions will also include a question and answer session.
We look forward to seeing you!
General Information
Dates and Times: 6 and 7 October, 17.00 – 18.30 hrs.
Cost: 20 Euros p.p.
Please note, the ticket sale will end on Tuesday, October 6th at 12:00 noon!
Rebecca Greenwood
Over the past 24 years, Rebecca has ministered, participated in, and led in spiritual warfare prayer journeys to 34 countries such as Egypt, Nepal, Italy, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Ireland, Spain, China, and to many cities and locations throughout the United States in which measurable breakthrough of transformation have been realized.
Having a heart for lost souls, Rebecca has seen many saved and set free. She ministers in transparency from her personal experiences of overcoming fear, depression, rebellion, and anger; transforming her life into freedom. She is committed to equipping in scriptural truths on how to live an overcoming life of purpose, fulfillment, destiny, and to equip people/churches to have a Jesus- captivated, authoritative prayer life in which change and transformation are realized.
Rebecca has been a guest on TBN, Its Supernatural, God Knows, and the Harvest Show. She has written for publications such as Charisma, Pray! Magazine, Spirit-Led Woman, and Destiny Image. Rebecca graduated with a Doctorate of Practical Ministry from Wagner Leadership Institute where she also serves as a core faculty member.
She is the author of nine books:
Authority to Tread: An Intercessors Guide to Strategic-Level Spiritual Warfare
Breaking the Bonds of Evil: How to Set People Free from Demonic Oppression
The Power of a Godly Mother (ebook)
Destined to Rule: Spiritual Strategies for Advancing the Kingdom of God
Let Our Children Go: Steps to Free Your Child from Evil Influence and Demonic Harassment
Your Kingdom Come: Encouraged to Intercede
Defeating Strongholds of the Mind: A Believers Guide to Breaking Free
Glory Warfare: How the Presence of God Empowers You to Destroy The Works of Darkness
Arleen Westerhof
Earned her Ph.D. in Chemistry in Canada and after completing a Post Doctoral Research Fellowship at the University of London in England, she moved to Amsterdam to work for a large multinational corporation. It was there that she first heard the audible voice of God calling her for Amsterdam and for Europe. Together with her husband Dick, she is the Founder and Lead Pastor of the God’s Embassy Church in Amsterdam. Embassy is aligned with Harvest International Ministries (HIM) led by Dr. Che Ahn, and Dick and Arleen are part of HIM’s International Apostolic Team and are the Presiding Apostles for HIM Europe.
Arleen is a respected prophetic minister. She is the Founder and Facilitator of the Netherlands Prophetic Council and mentors national prophets. She is also the co- Leader of the European Prophetic Council and the Founder and Executive Director of the Economic Summit. Several years ago God started to speak to Arleen about praying that He would raise up the Josephs and the Daniels, especially in the areas of business and economics. God then went on to say that “He wanted to heal nations by healing their economies!” The Economic Summit exists to provide and to catalyse inspired solutions to global economic challenges. Since the start of the summit in 2014 God has opened the doors to Europe, Africa and South America.
As prophets, we are called to bring solutions for the world’s most challenging problems and God is releasing supernatural levels of wisdom and knowledge to those who ask Him in order to meet the challenges of this hour. Arleen is the author of the book ‘IMPACT. Prophesy and Change the World.