Online European Meeting with Robert Henderson
We invite you to a meeting with Robert Henderson called “Strategies” on Friday March 26th; 7.30 – 9.30 pm CET. This meeting is for everyone who has a heart to pray to see the fulfillment of God’s promises for your family, your business, your city and your nation. It will be an online Zoom meeting.
Key revelation
There’s no question that it’s God’s time for you and for Europe to come into revival and reformation. The Holy Spirit is moving across the earth with the prompting that it is time to see His Kingdom manifest in all spheres of society and that we need to accomplish this. A key revelation is the Court Rooms of Heaven in which God reveals Himself as the Judge. In His court we can ask His verdict against all that stands in the way of Him being able to pour out His promised blessings. Praying from the Courtrooms of Heaven has proven to be very effective and has resulted in quicker answers to prayer than many of us have seen in the past.
First of three
This meeting will be the first of three for Europe this year. Each meeting will have a different emphasis based on what is relevant for Europe. In this first meeting we’ve invited Robert to share theologically and practically about receiving strategies from the Courts of Heaven for yourself and your family, for your cities, nations, business and ministries.
Who should participate:
Intercessors, church/ministry leaders, business and marketplace ministers and those who want to see more fulfilment of the promises of God.
What to expect:
Concrete and unique insight into how to discover and release God’s strategies for your situation, city, business, ministry and nation.
General Information:
Date and times: Friday March 26th, 7.30-9.30 pm CET
Language: English
Price: 20 euros p.p.
Registration will close on Friday March 26th at 12.00 pm CET
We look forward to having you join us!