Chuck Pierce in the Netherlands, Wednesday the 22nd of January, in the Dominion Centre.
Chuck Pierce is one of two prophets of which we know when they speak, countries change! The last time Chuck was in the Netherlands was on January 25th, 2018. He said then that he was here to let us know that “God’s eye is on the Netherlands!” His words had a deep impact, especially those which he spoke about the Netherlands.
He also said in 2018 that doors in heaven are open now, – doors of the unprecedented progress of the kingdom of God here on earth – but that they will close by the end of 2020.
And now, it’s 2020!
Arleen: ‘I was praying the week before Christmas; “Lord, please speak to Chuck about coming back to the Netherlands, we need a follow-up for this word!” That same evening, Dick and I got a phone call from Chuck’s PA asking, among other things, whether we were interested in having Chuck to come back to the Netherlands! This was such a quick and direct answer to prayer, that we are very expectant about the new word that Chuck has for us and what that will mean for our country. Do not miss it!
Date and time: Wed. Jan. 22, 7.30 p.m. – 10 p.m.
Location: Dominion Center, Ellermanstraat 30, 1114 AK Amsterdam-Duivendrecht
Costs: € 15.00 per person.
Register, click here.