You don’t have to be prophetic to realise that everything in the heavenly dimensions is getting ready for change. 2020 is not just a new season. It’s a new era – an era for the apostolic release of destinies, including yours.
Each of the speakers at this year’s Women on the Frontlines conference is a pioneer with an apostolic anointing in her own right. The God-given messages and anointing that they carry will inspire you and help to propel you into the new level of anointing in your call that God has for you at the beginning of this decade.
It’s been many years since the doors for kingdom advancement have been open like they are now. When the Spirit of God is moving, we need to move with Him. As we do, we will step into our God-given callings in a new way. Then God will be glorified and we’ll take a big step together towards seeing His glory revealed to us on the earth!
Workshop: Your individual Design
We’ve all had the experience of going to conferences, getting fired up by the messages that the speakers bring, and then going home and not knowing how to start to act on what you’ve heard so that change comes. Many of us also lack the necessary clarity to be effective in knowing what our specific role is and how God has wired us to be able to carry it out.
That’s why this year, after our WOFL ADVANCE conference, we’ll take the time to help you to get clarity on your individual design. For 1,5 days Linda Wallace, Tina Alton and Arleen Westerhof will take you through the process of discovering more about who you are, how you’re wired and what your next steps are.
Linda Wallace (USA) has a strong pastoral prophetic anointing and is a trusted mentor and friend to women leaders in the church and society around the world.

Tina Alton is an award-winning international leadership expert and change specialist. Especially when it comes to helping us see change come in our own lives. She will be focussing on what it means practically to be a woman of influence and how to navigate the pitfalls that all women in leadership face.

Arleen Westerhof is the Founder and Executive Director of the Economic Summit, and she and her husband lead and pastor an Apostolic Centre and church in Amsterdam. Arleen has written a powerful book; ‘Prophecy and change the world’. She is also the founder of the Dutch Prophetic Councel and host of the WOFL Conference. She will share on the role of the prophetic in walking out your God given destiny in life.

There will be limited space in the masterclass since we want to have room for sufficient individual attention to the participants. Therefore, only those who are able to attend the entire masterclass (Mon. 16 Dec. 09.00 – 17.30 hrs and Tues. 17 Dec. 09.00 – 2.00 pm will be considered.
General Conference Information:
Location: Dominion Centre Amsterdam, Ellermanstraat 30, 1114 AK Amsterdam-Duivendrecht
Dates and times: Friday Dec. 13th, 10.00 – 17.00 hrs & 19.30 – 22.00 hrs and Saturday Dec. 14th, 10.00 – 17.00 hrs.
Price for the conference: Entire conference: 55 euros, incl. lunch on Fri. and Sat.
Fri. only: 32,50 euros, including lunch.
Sat. only: 27,50 euros, including lunch.
Students: Entire conference: 40 euros, incl. lunch on Fri. and Sat.
Students Fri. only: 25, 50 euro, incl. lunch.
Students Sat. only: 20,50 euros, incl. lunch.
Workshop ‘Your individual Design’
Location: Dominion Centre Amsterdam, Ellermanstraat 30, 1114 AK Amsterdam-Duivendrecht
Dates and times: Monday 16 Dec., 09:00 – 17.30 hrs and Tuesday 17 Dec., 09.00 – 14.00 hrs.
Price Workshop: 95 euros
Price Conference and Workshop: 135 euros
( Price includes lunch on Mon. and Tues. )
Student ticket Conference and Workshop incl lunches: 110,-
Student ticket Workshop only incl lunches: 80,-
( Price includes lunch on Mon. and Tues. )
Click here to order your tickets!
List of Hotels in the area:
- Postillon Hotel (walking distance)
- Leonardo Hotel (walking distance)
- Holiday Inn expres
- Mariott Courtyard
- Via Amsterdam Hotel Diemen Zuid