Creating Apostolic Cultures
Slowly but surely the Christian world is starting to realize that things need to change. The way we have viewed how to lead churches, ministries and businesses for centuries is changing. The focus changes from inward-looking to a much more holistic Christian view.
With this realization it also becomes clear that leadership must shift from the traditional shepherd to that of apostle and prophet. However, we still know little about this simply because it has not been taught for centuries and people wrongly thought that these offices no longer existed and were not needed anymore.
So it’s time to discover what effect such a shift has in culture.
An apostolic culture creates a climate in which individuals, ministries, businesses and churches learn to discover what God has called them to do. In such an apostolic climate the emphasis is on God’s Kingdom.
How do you create an apostolic culture? What does such a culture entail? How does such a culture differ from traditional culture?
What is the role of apostolic fathers and mothers? Why are these so important?
David McDonald and Dick Westerhof will answer these questions during the 1-day conference “Create an Apostolic Culture”
It will be an interactive event in which there is also room for exchanging ideas and thoughts on this subject.
This conference is intended for anyone who leads in one way or another because an apostolic culture is relevant for every leader.
You are warmly invited to participate in this special conference.
David McDonald is originally from South Africa. He has led ministries and churches in South Africa, Australia and the USA. He is a mentor to many leaders and provides training on apostolic leadership.
Dick Westerhof leads the apostolic center By Design in Amsterdam and, together with his wife Arleen and the apostolic team, leads a national and international network of businesses, churches and ministries.
Practical information
Date: Saturday May 11, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Location: Dominion Centre, Ellermanstraat 30, 1114 AK Amsterdam-Duivendrecht
Costs: 30 Euro (including lunch)